Wednesday, January 17, 2018

The Need to Chew

This year I have some students on my caseload who are constantly seeking oral input or who are intense chewers- fingers in their mouths, licking their hands, biting crayons/markers, putting toys and non food items in their mouths, etc.  Most of my students have access to chew tubes, T tubes or similar items, but they also get put down on surfaces, dropped on the floor or thrown.  I just came across Chewigems, and I like this option for kids who need to chew.  They have necklaces with pendants, bangles, accessories and fidgets.  Resistances for 3 types of chewers, and accessories to help keep chewing items clean... Check out their website here:

Amazon also has a variety of chewelry and chewing options available:

And of course, one of my faves, the Therapy Shoppe has chewies and chewy jewelry available: