Thursday, May 30, 2013

Another Resource for You...

Yesterday I attended a one-day seminar called "Autism, Asperger's, SPD & ADHD," presented by John F. Taylor, Ph.D., which was put on by Summit Professional Education.  I had been to one of Mr. Taylor's presentations before; he is a wealth of information and provides a ton of practical application ideas and tools.  I really couldn't even begin to put even a small amount of the information he covered on this blog, but I will encourage you to check out his web site, ADD Plus at:

Don't let the name of the web site fool you-  obviously there is lots of information regarding ADD/ADHD, but also about many other topics, some of which include:
ADD/ADHD, Allergies, Autism, Nutrition, other related conditions, Parenting and Support and General Health (click on "links" to access information in the above mentioned areas).

Take some time to click around on his page, there are some free downloads, and check out the bookstore.  One thing that I always find impressive is the amount of resources/books etc. that John Taylor has available at his workshops for purchase, some that he himself has written.  I purchased a few things yesterday, but while browsing on his site, I found a book called "Parenting a Child with Sensory Processing Disorder" that he didn't have with him yesterday, and I think I may have to order that one now as well!

One area that John Taylor really goes into detail on in his seminar is nutrition for kids with ADD/ADHD, ASD and sensory processing disorder.  He is a big supporter of checking into the digestive system needs of kids, food allergy elimination, gluten free/casein free diets, encouragement of a protein rich diet, vitamins/minerals, magnesium and zinc, and super blue green algae. 

John Taylor provides his contact information on his web site and at his workshops, and he is serious about getting in touch with him if you have questions (click on "contact us").  He/his website is another  excellent resource for you to use as it applies to you and your child and his/her needs.

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