Tuesday, February 4, 2014

FYI, New Magazine from PACLA~

Found on Parenting Autistic Children with Love and Acceptance Facebook page:

The group Parenting Autistic Children with Love and Acceptance is putting out a call for submissions for a brand new magazine all about parenting Autistic children with love, acceptance and respect! If you'd like to be included in PACLA magazine, please submit your material to PACLAmag@gmail.com before March 5th, 2014!

We are also looking for artwork from Autistic artists of all ages for our magazine!

Please remember that we are an intentional community. PACLA Magazine will reflect those intentions and follow the basic guidelines of our Facebook community:

1. We love and accept our children as Autistic people.
2. We don't want to change our children.
3. We don't wish our children were not Autistic.
4. We do not speak over the voices of Autistic people.
5. We recognize that Autistic voices deserve center stage over our voices as parents of Autistic children.
6. We parent our children with an eye towards promoting neurodiversity and acceptance.
7. We do not subscribe to therapies/interventions which seek to change the nature of our children or utilize aversives.
8. We are open to learning from Autistic adults.
9. We foster our children's growth through respectful accommodation and support.
10. We do not tolerate the bullying of Autistic people.

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