Friday, May 20, 2016

End of the School Year Party!

We are celebrating the end of another school year!  What better to do with our students than to celebrate the end of another year completed and to recognize all of their hard work~  cue Pinterest for some cute party ideas...
(you can find the "kool summer" print out to download here:

End of the year treats for our students~ so cute!  A very inexpensive treat if you have lots of students to buy for, and the kids loved them!  Who doesn't like freezer pops?

Snacks and a summer theme~  we used sand buckets and shovels for our serving bowls ($.97 at Wal Mart), and had juice pouches and waters for drinks. The kids helped themselves by scooping their own snacks from the buckets.

For my partners and I, it's also the end of an era, as a large piece of our special education unit is separating from the main unit.  That means that some of our awesome staff is staying with the large city school district, and some are staying with the original special education unit (I am staying with the original unit, so that means I will be serving rural schools in our area, and leaving the city schools after 18+ years with them as part of my caseload).  This was my partner Denise and me on our last day together in the city's public school system~ she's the best!

Denise and I at Dakota Elementary
Happy Summer to all~  I will be updating my blog on occasion, working at ESY for summer school for several hours a week and hopefully be using a lot of my time for some peace and healing after a really tough school year following the loss of my oldest child in October.  Have a great summer vacation and hope to see some of you in the fall!

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