Sunday, May 5, 2019

Calm Down Activities

I have been making several calm down books/activities for kids this year, as there has become an increasing need for them. Not just for kids who are anxious or nervous, but also for kids who have behavioral outbursts- this can even include screaming, throwing items, tipping chairs and tables... Kids are not only at risk of hurting themselves, but in some cases they are hurting staff and other students. This is not uncommon anymore in the public school system in the United States, and it's happening all over the US:

And right here in my home state of ND...

From an OT standpoint, we can use sensory based activities and strategies in an effort to influence the brain to calm- remember that input from your senses gives information to your brain stem (the oldest part of the brain)...the brain stem then tells your central nervous system how to respond.
So as a school OT who provides tools and strategies to influence the brain and behavior, I have found some resources to add to my repertoire of calming interventions from one of my favorite sellers on the Teachers Pay Teachers website, Pocket Full of Preschool:

I laminated the book pages and put them in a binder. 

Calm down activities on a binder ring~

Deep breath visuals
This purchase package has directions for a few ways to put the visuals together. I love the quality of the graphics/font, and the kids/teachers have really appreciated the activity choice cards that the kids can use to make choices of what they want to try to calm themselves.

Pocket Full of Preschool also has a website:

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