Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Floor Activity- Crossing Midline

Crossing midline simply means that a a child reaches across their body with either hand (such as to use his/her left hand to reach across to the right of their body and vice versa).  Think of it as if there is an imaginary vertical line down the center of their body, and crossing midline would mean moving a hand or foot across that line to the other side of it.  When a child crosses midline, new connections are made between the right side and the left side, and both sides then are working together, rather than independently of each other.  It integrates the 2 sides of the brain, and organizes the brain for better concentration and problem solving.   The following is a floor activity that encourages kids to cross midline:

Have the child sit on a piece of poster paper.  Using markers, have them draw an arc around themselves from one side of the paper to the other.  

Change colors several times to make a series of arcs.
Switch hands to cross midline from the other side.

 When they stand up, the end result is a rainbow.

You can find more information and activities regarding crossing midline from these previous posts:

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