Thursday, April 23, 2020

Distance Learning Resources

I have not addressed distance learning in my blog so far, just because things have been very busy, and everyone is overwhelmed- teachers, students, parents, OTs, speech therapists, etc. And boy, this has really been a learning curve for everyone...

There are so many free options that are being made available to educators and parents for helping with distance learning and teaching our students/kids. Way too many for me to list, but I am going to share a few of the ones that I have been going to and some of my favorites that have been helpful:

Tools to Grow- there are free resources, and a lot more that you can access with a subscription for around $50/year. They have added some interactive activities that I have used on Zoom with my students. This has been my go to source for activities, well worth the price. But the free stuff is also very good.

Pink Oatmeal- again, free resources are available, and more with a subscription. Create an account to get on their email list and they will send you regular updates on what they have available.
They also have a YouTube channel that you can subscribe to:

Teachers Pay Teachers- during this distance learning time, TpT has some free access for schools going on. There are some restrictions, but worth checking out.

Life Over C's- I use this website as a resource a lot, lots of freebies, a lot of curriculum based activities. Right now there are some digital activities for preschool and kindergarten age children, and activities for learning at home- no printing required. Check them out here:

Learning Without Tears: Set up an account to access "Free Digital and Print Resources plus Expert Advice to Support Students Learning at Home."

The Autism Helper: They have and Emergency Home School Kit available at a "name your price offer" from $0-$20. Includes 8 Weeks of Curriculum, Schedules & Training For Home Schooling During School Closings. Plus lots of other free materials and tons of useful information.

Pocket of Preschool: I love the graphics on the activities and printables from this website, also available on Teachers Pay Teachers. Check out these free distance learning idea lists for preschool, preK and kindergarten:

Your Therapy Source: There are tons of activities available for purchase, but they also have a "Free Stuff" tab that you can access. Free typing tutorial. You can connect this to your Google Classroom and have your students access, or have them directly access your class set up on the web site. You have the ability to check their progress on the individual practice lessons.

I will add more to this list and update as I find more information that I find useful/helpful. Keep up the good work out there!

The Inspired Treehouse  Shares information, tips, and strategies re: kids' developmental challenges for parents, teachers, and caregivers.

The Pathway to Success Resources for social and emotional needs, executive functioning.

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