Monday, April 6, 2020

Reluctant Writers

Some strategies for Kids Who Don’t Like to Write…

  • Use of a scribe
  • Allow them to choose what to write with- pencils, pens, scented pencils or markers, etc.
  • Put a worksheet in a wipe off sleeve and let them use dry erase markers to write with
  • Allow them to type their answers on a computer keyboard
  • Speech or Voice to Text- on Google Docs, open a new document- go to tools-select “voice typing” under the dropdown menu. Click on the microphone to begin.
  • Complete written work with a partner (or peer)- take turns writing
  • SnapType app on an iPad- allows worksheets to be typed/filled in on the iPad, saved and can also be sent in an email.
  • GoWorkheet Maker app will do the same as above
  • When typing, use word prediction- ie: Word Q, text editor for elementary and secondary
  • Use a label maker for fill in the blank worksheets
  • Use a voice memo app to record thoughts and sentences
  • Modify the worksheet- provide a word bank or multiple choice for answers, circle the answer vs. writing answers out.
  • Allow them to draw a picture of what they are thinking first, then write about what they drew (visual piece can be easier to describe vs. pulling from own thoughts)
  • Provide sentence frames so they only has to fill in 1 or 2 words vs. write an entire sentence: The ____________ is ____________.  The ______________ has a ______________.

Consider that a student's reluctance to write may be due to several factors rather than just refusal (behavior)- is it difficult for him to organize his thoughts to put them to paper? Is the breakdown happening between formulating her thought to the process of writing it down? Is it a motor skill issue? Or a combination of both? A motor planning issue (his head telling him what to write but not being able to formulate a plan re: how to get it out of his head into something tangible)?

**While we want kids to write and continue to improve upon their written communication skills, supplementing that with technology is not giving up on that happening- we can’t help them to improve if they are not willing to engage in any sort of process at all.

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