Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Halloween Fine Motor Counting Activity

Halloween activities are always a fun change to our teaching and OT sessions- here is an inexpensive fine motor activity that also addresses counting and 1:1 correspondence.

You can download these free spider counting cards from Life Over C's here:
Cut out the cards and laminate them.
I purchased these spider and spiderweb Halloween mini erasers from Target for $1:

You can pair a visual number card with the activity.
Place the spiders or spiderwebs on the card to match
the number of spiders on the web.

Differentiate the activity with number identification using

Friday, October 4, 2019

Modern Discipline and Behavior

What is going on these days with kids having such difficulty regulating their emotions and keeping their emotions in check in public AND at home?? As a school OT, I would say that I consult on self regulation strategies for students on a daily basis. Kids have less self control than ever. So what has changed, why are we seeing more and more of this in the school setting?

I don't have a science backed answer for that, but I recently read this article, and I found some of the information in it to be thought provoking. We can't handle kids, parent kids, teach kids like we did in the past, because things are not like they were back in the day. Kids these days can't be compared to kids of the past, because too much has changed in their world and environments. "The current model of parental discipline is as outdated as a rotary phone."

Here's a link to the article, maybe you will find it thought provoking as well:

You can find the book, "The Good News About Bad Behavior," by Katherine Reynolds Lewis, which this article is based on, here: