Friday, September 8, 2017

Classroom Activity Folder

I often get asked to give teachers and paraprofessionals ideas and activities that can be carried out with students during the week, as I am only there for a brief period of time weekly, and carry over is important for progression.  This is an example of an activity folder that I made for an individual student- his teacher/para have allotted some time in his daily schedule to work on motor skills activities.  I have several handouts of my own that I have created, but I also added some worksheets and laminated activity sheets that the para can use that support goal attainment.  Paras and teachers do not often have "free time" to find and create things for their students in addition to the curriculum that they are carrying out.

I will periodically add to the folder over the school year- this particular folder has pockets for proprioceptive/sensory activities, core strength/balance, strengthening, bilateral tasks, fine motor skills and visual motor skills.  I did add a brief narrative to each pocket, explaining what these activities work toward and why they are pertinent- because if the people carrying them out don't see a point, then they are less likely to do them.

This is just an easy way to encourage use of sensory based activities and carry over of motor activities on a regular basis rather than just during the short period of direct OT service time that students get weekly or monthly.