Sunday, November 24, 2013

Deep Pressure for Pets!

Not terribly impressed that "mom" put her Thundershirt on!
This is Cinch.  She is our 11 month old standard Australian Shepherd.  She is a busy dog (if you know anything about this breed, they need a lot of stimulation), and she gets scared easily.  You could say she gets anxious, especially during a thunderstorm or if the environment is too loud.  Now the animal community is picking up on the use of sensory based techniques to decrease anxiety- hence the "Thundershirt".  It gives your dog (or cat) a nice little proprioceptive hug to decrease anxiety and calm them down.  It's a pressure vest or compression garment for your pet!  How cool is that?!  Made by Thunderworks, there are all kinds of weighted things that you can get.  We bought ours from PetSmart, but they are available from lots of places, too, including the Thunderworks website:


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