Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Make Your Own "Interactive" Book

Here's an easy little project for you to make for your child/students that will address more than one skill. I bought some inexpensive board books in the Target dollar section that had some basic concepts in them (I chose colors and numbers).  I then made some PECS cards that matched each page in the book, and laminated them.

Then, I added a small piece of self stick velcro to the back of each card, and one to each corresponding page in the book.

Your child/student can then match the cards to each color or number page. They can work on their matching skills, color/number recognition and sequencing (of numbers) skills.  You can, of course, use a variety of types of books.  You could purchase a short children's story board book, and work on the sequencing of events in the story (what happened first, next, last).  Another possibility would be to make up a book to work on sight words.

Pulling the cards off of the velcro also adds a sensory component to the activity book. Another way to add a sensory component would be to add various types of textures to a book that has texture concepts in it (a card with fleece on it for "soft", sandpaper for "rough", etc).

Kids tend to love these, and they are super easy to make!

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