Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Rhythm Sticks

Using rhythm sticks as an activity can address a variety of skills:
  • gross motor movements 
  • fine motor movements
  • bilateral coordination
  • eye hand coordination
  • crossing midline
  • directionality 
  • motor planning/sequencing of movement
  • following directional concepts
  • body scheme and position in space
Using one stick:
-hold in hand and maneuver your hand along the stick from top to bottom and bottom to top
-toss stick back and forth from one hand to the other
-hold stick stick vertically in the air, drop it, and catch it with the other hand (can also try doing this     with the same hand
-pass the stick around the body, exchanging hands to do so (do it at the neck level, the midsection level, the knee level and the ankle level
-touch the stick to various body parts (touch your knee, touch your elbow, etc)- vary the activity by   adding the concepts of left and right (touch your right ear, etc)

Using 2 sticks:
-hold sticks and tap together- have the child imitate a simple rhythm, moving toward more complex
-tap the sticks in front of the body, behind the back, behind the knees, overhead, etc.
-hold a stick horizontally in each hand and tap the ends together
-use one stick to "hammer" the end of the other (like pounding a nail)
-touch both sticks at the same time to various body parts (touch your knee, touch your elbow, etc)- vary
the activity by adding the concepts of left and right (touch your right ears, etc)  You can also vary it       by having each hand do a different thing (ie: touch your ear and your knee)
-use the sticks as drum sticks and drum on an upside down plastic pail.  Tap out a rhythm for the child
to imitate
-tap the sticks together, tap the floor, cross forearms (like an X) and tap the floor, etc
-try some of the tasks with eyes closed, while in a tailor sitting position on the floor, or while in a tall kneeling position

I also like to use rhythm sticks for group activities.  There are CDs of rhythm stick activities available that you can use for working with individuals and with groups- you can buy a group of 3 of them for $20.99 through Sears.com (individually they are often 14.99 a piece).  Find that link here:  http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_SPM6276385602P?ci_src=184425893&ci_sku=SPM6276385602&sid=IDx20131030xMPAPxCPA28

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