Thursday, August 15, 2013

New Find for Practicing Pre Writing Skills

Remember this excerpt from an earlier post titled "Pre Writing Skills?":
"Copying pre writing lines and shapes is a precursor to learning how to print.  The same basic strokes and early developing visual motor integration skills that are needed to learn to copy lines and shapes are required to print letters and numbers.  Trying to learn to print numbers and letters before learning to form basic lines and shapes is like putting the cart before the horse!"

With that in mind, check out what I found at Barnes and Noble the other day:

It's a write on, wipe off box of learning cards of Shapes by FlashKids.  Using the dry erase pen that is included in the box, preschoolers can trace along dotted lines to practice drawing their shapes.  There are also cards that help kids identify shapes within pictures, and draw shapes to add them to pictures as well.

40 cards in all (each card is printed on front and back), for ages 3-5 yrs.  $8.95 at Barnes and Noble. There is also one for letters (might be good to make sure that the style of printing is what your child's school requires).  The box is small and will be easy for me to carry around in my OT bag of tricks.  Or throw it in your car or bag to keep your little friends entertained when you are out and about.

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